Synthesis and properties of wing-shaped nanographene

28th January 2022by admin0

In recent years, various synthetic chemical approaches
have been investigated using polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs)
as “nanographene with precise molecular structure and high purity.”
If it becomes possible to construct structurally controlled 3D
assemblies and spaces from this 2D nano-sized graphene, new
materials with unique structural properties can be created. A
research group at Ehime University has been studying the synthesis
and physical properties of hexapyrrolohexaazacoronene (HPHAC), a
nitrogen-containing PAH, using pyrroles. HPHACs, which are composed
of electron-rich pyrroles, are easily oxidized and their
two-electron oxidized forms exhibit global aromaticity. However,
the only reported studies on HPHACs have been on the synthesis of
monomers, including analogs, and the elucidation of their
structure-property relationships. No studies have been conducted on
the synthesis of dimers toward structurally controlled 3D

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      New Fusion

      The New Fusion technology is based on a phenomenon called triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) which is a process in which two triplet excitons annihilate and produce a higher energy singlet exciton.

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