From heat to spin to electricity: Understanding spin
transport in thermoelectric devices

28th January 2021by admin0

Thermoelectric materials, which can generate an
electric voltage in the presence of a temperature difference, are
currently an area of intense research; thermoelectric energy
harvesting technology is among our best shots at greatly reducing
the use of fossil fuels and helping prevent a worldwide energy
crisis. However, there are various types of thermoelectric
mechanisms, some of which are less understood despite recent
efforts. A recent study from scientists in Korea aims to fill one
such gap in knowledge.

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    New Fusion

    The New Fusion technology is based on a phenomenon called triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) which is a process in which two triplet excitons annihilate and produce a higher energy singlet exciton.


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      New Fusion

      The New Fusion technology is based on a phenomenon called triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) which is a process in which two triplet excitons annihilate and produce a higher energy singlet exciton.

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