A spin on a topological insulator: Hybrid approach to
magnetic topological states of matter

30th April 2020by admin0

Controlling the interactions at the interface of a
magnetic/topological insulator heterostructure is an outstanding
challenge with implications in fundamental science and technology.
A research led by the ICN2 Atomic Manipulation and Spectroscopy
Group and the Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices Group, in
collaboration with the Supramolecular Nanochemistry and Materials
Group, the CFM-San Sebastián, ETH Zurich, ISM-Trieste and ALBA
Synchrotron, has shown that ligands from metal-organic molecules
can be used to tailor the properties of these interfaces. The
results are presented in ACS Nano.

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      New Fusion

      The New Fusion technology is based on a phenomenon called triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) which is a process in which two triplet excitons annihilate and produce a higher energy singlet exciton.

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